Wednesday, December 27, 2006


As I look back at events that took place in 2006 and review the items on my To Do list, I realized that another year has gone by and there are many tasks I did not accomplish.

Before making my new To Do list and New Year Resolution, I count the blessings in my life and know that I have much to be grateful for. I remember the positive aspects of our nation, my family and the solace I receive from my Christian faith.

I remember that my employment though is not the most exciting workplace, it is a good job. My job does not define who I am. I recognize that the title of the book "Do What You Love and Money Will Follow" by Marsha Sinetar should not be interpreted as do what you love and you will make more money. I guess when you love what you do, money is no longer important.

Using real-life experiences, the author show how people liberated themselves from unfulfilling jobs, overcame their fears, took the risks, utilized their unique talents and became the persons they wanted to be.

Featured articles in newspapers and magazines offer plenty of help on how to get your ducks in a row by following a few simple strategies. The list include secrets of resolution success on how to organize your home and office and get things done. There are advices on how to get rich and earn more money. Of course, there are suggestions on how to lose weight, find time to exercise, create healthy life style and getting rid of bad habits. Thankfully I don't have to worry about the three vices listed in the article - gambling, drinking and smoking!

According to an exclusive LIFE/AOL Coaches poll, 31% of the people answer "Losing Weight" to the question, "What is your #1 goal for 2007?" It is nothing new, except when Losing Weight (31%) compared to only 2% wanting to spend more time with family. Getting more organized and earn more money at 8% is also higher than spending time with family. Finally 18% would like to tackle the chore of organize family photos. Well, if you could not spend more time with your family, you would not have to worry about organizing family photos!

For now, I will continue to find the ways to achieve the kind of life I want. I will keep my list of resolution to myself. It is not just for 2007 but a life time of learning, growing and trying to be a better person.

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