Tuesday, January 01, 2008

HAPPY 2008

I chose the above photo from Rockefeller Center because with the trumpet, the statue looked as if he/she announced the new year has arrived. Here are best wishes to all my adoring fans for a healthy and peaceful year that will be filled with love, happiness and prosperity.
We took the subway from Brooklyn and got off at Grand Central Station, then walked to the United Nations. There were performances called Light Shows during the holidays. I thought it was appropriate to show the famous clocks that most of the people would recognize as the trademarks of GCS. There were also art & craft booths as part of the holidays fair. We purchased two ornaments and was given a third one at no charge.

Below are a few photos from Times Square. We were in the area prior to going to the Rangers game. It was on Sunday, January 30th and it was already crowded with people (perhaps it was the normal crowd for Times Square). We moved slowly in the sea of bodies, taking in the bright lights, watching the large screen showing various poses of the M&M characters.
For a few years, 1982-1985, I was a member of Metro-International, a program providing orientation to international university students on living in New York City and learning about American cultures. I became a non-paid volunteer yet had all the authority as a staff person conducting meetings and helping the executive director with office matters. During a trip to Pennsylvania Dutch Country (Lanscater County ), we visited Hershey Park and had a great time there. Each student stayed with an American host family. Mr. & Mrs. GE, who were the Mennonites, was my host family. I went back and visited them a couple of times on my own. We still keep in touch and exchanged Christmas greetings, birthdays and anniversaries cards, to this day. (Compared to the Amish, the Mennonites are less conservative, have relaxed dress codes, are permitted to drive automobiles and the use of electricity. The GE family did not have television, only a small radio.)

If my husband had his wish, we would be among the million people standing around for more than 8 hours waiting for the countdown and lowering of the crystal ball as the New Year arrived. We tried getting a hotel room but could not afford the rate of $459 a night. I told my husband that I would not physically be able to stand around or even if sitting on a portable chair, to withhold my needs to use the restroom for more than a few hours.
The photo above show Times Square and the crowd. Then we went up to the second floor in the M&M Store where I found a great corner to take photos of Times Square from up high, as shown below, with the traffic and again the bright lights.

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