Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I am pleased to report that a new neighbor has moved into the Communication Building (An old mailbox) in our backyard. Mel (It is a Mail-box) and Marcie (for the month of March) is a lovely couple (photo above). Marcie is pregnant with two boys - Bo and Bob (mail-Box) and a girl Leslie (letters in the mailbox). We can't really tell Mel from Marcie but we thought the one with big belly must be Marcie and the one that constantly busy flying into the mailbox with straws in its mouth must be Mel.

Marcie looking out the front window waiting for Mel to bring some more straws to finish up the living room. Or maybe it is Mel guarding the front door so Marcie could rest inside. We would love to see how Mel and Marcie fit the long straw (photo below) inside the mailbox.

It was so much fun watching Mel and Marcie building their home. We watched from the kitchen window but we could not capture so many images that would have been great to share because the birds flew away whenever we pointed the camera ready to take photos. The red laser beam alert Mel or Marcie and he/she flew up to the apple tree (photo below). We decided to just watch and enjoy as not to disturb our lovely neighbors.
Could you see Mel or Marcie on the apple tree? Perfect camouflage!

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