Thursday, April 30, 2009


My April Progress Report is a No Progress Report. I did not do anything towards my goals of simple living. I had to make unexpected trip to New York attending to a family matter. (I would prefer not to provide any details at this time as the situation was private.) Currently, I am pleased to report that all is well.

After the trip, I spend most of the time playing catch-up at work. Since April 15th, I was pretty much glued to the television as Round 1 NHL Playoffs games were featured on Versus every night and on weekends.

It was not all un-productive as I managed to attend both City Council meetings (the City Council meets 2nd and 4th Mondays) and a Subdivision Trustees meeting. We have a new Mayor and three new Councilmen. Last year, the Mayor was supportive of my nomination to the Planning and Zoning Commission. I was not appointed because the Council at the time wish not to have too many Commissioners from the same Ward. I was not too terribly disappointed as it was not a paying job and like my husband said that I already have too many things on my plate.

Round 2 of the Playoffs starts tonight. It should be an exciting round with the Bruins v. the Canes and the Capitals v. the Penguins in the Eastern Conference. My beloved Red Wings taking on the Ducks and Chicago Blackhawks v. the Canucks in the Western Conference. I won't predict any outcomes. I am just so glad that the Canucks are still in the playoffs. Check out my shorthandedgoal blog for photos and posts about the playoffs.

Finally, 34 years ago (April 30, 1975) the Northern Vietnamese Communist took over South Viet Nam. 30 years ago (1979) my family made our final preparation for the boat journey, getting ready to escape Viet Nam from My Tho. I tried to re-construct my memories of how it all began. When and how exactly did my parents inform us that we would be making the almost suicidal journey? Was I scared or accepted the planning (what other options would I have anyway)? All the little details about our last meal together with my grandmother (Che Pho) kept putting more meatballs onto our plates. Where did the time go? I left Viet Nam as a teenager and now I am a middle age chubby woman who only cares whether Versus will show all my NHL playoffs games!

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