Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Before she was known as Miss Manners, Emily Post wrote about her travelling across America on Lincoln Highway for Collier's Magazine. It took the group including Ms. Post, her son and a cousin, 45 days to travel from Grammercy Park in New York City to San Francisco, California. Read on to find out why the good people of Rochelle, Illinois painted the above mural.

On May 6, 1915, Ms. Post and her travelling group got stuck in a muddy road due to heavy rainfall and had to spend two days in Rochelle, Illinois.

Come to think of it - we should always mind our manners when travelling and when we are in public settings. Sadly, good manners have gone "down the drain" just like the art of hand-written notes, saying "please or thank you". This is a subject that would require lengthly discussion, what are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Nonna said...

I so agree...I am often embarrassed by behavior that is so rude and brash in public. I treasure written notes of thanks from family and friends. Now in some school districts, they are not even teaching handwriting anymore...what a shame !

I find it interesting that Emily was caught in a muddy mess after hard rainfall. Some parts of Illinois are dealing with too much rain and flooding right now.


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