Friday, September 25, 2009


As promised, for this St. Louis Friday series, photos from The Great Forest Park 2009 Balloon Race. We had to rush to St. Louis Blues Fanfest, so we did not take photos of the Energizer Bunny, hopefully next year, including the Balloon Glow on Friday night!
Here are a few interesting facts - The Great Forest Park Balloon Race is the most well-attended, 100,000 plus spectators, in the United States, and the largest sporting event in Missouri.
It is the second oldest balloon race in the United States, with Albuquerque, Mexico being the oldest.
The Balloon Race started in 1973 and only cancelled twice - in 2001 after September 11th and in 1983 due to high wind. This year there are 70 hot air balloons took to the sky.
The Energizer Bunny lands and puts out an X at a select location and the team that drops a bag of birdseed closest to the X mark is the winner of the Balloon Race.
Here is a saving tip for the family budget - You can fly a balloon for approximately 3.5 hours on 44 gallons of propane. The cost of a flight is seldom more than a few dollars. Hot air balloon "engines" are the burners that heat the air inside the balloon. Because hot air rises, the heated air lifts the balloon and makes flight possible. I am considering selling my car, purchase a hot air balloon as my mode of transportation to work. I have plenty of hot air and I know people I could get hot air from, it is the wind that I am a bit worry. Any suggestions?

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