Friday, October 14, 2011


Tuesday, September 6th - We were in Crow Country where the Crow Reservation is located in south-central Montana, about 10 miles from Billings. The Reservation covers approximately 2.2 million acreas. There are about 10,000 of enrolled Crow tribe members that live on or near the Reservation.
Someone wrote an article about his experience moving to Montana and the Big Sky Country changed his lifestyle. The person wrote that he learned to appreciate living in the vast open space. There is some kind of magical about the land. He wrote, "You could not be a jerk when you live and fall in love with the Big Sky Country." I could not wait to visit Montana again. If I was given an opportunity, I would love to live there, except during hockey and football seasons!

We passed by many large herds of cattle. It looked like they were rounded up to be ready for the next train ride. We tried to tell them that they were not going to Disney Land. We wonder if the cattles knew what Texas Roadhouse was! It was a lot of fun running parellel with the train. It helped when we were the only few vehicles on the road and there was nothing to see but cattles and grassland!

One of our favorite activities during our roadtrips was taking a break with a stop for pies and coffee. I love peace/blackberry cobbler, coconut cream pie and blueberry pie. My husband usually selected chocolate cream pie or double chocolate cake. The Bozeman Trail Steakhouse was not yet open for dinner but the young lady was kind enough to let us in and served us pies and coffee. After a full day of driving with a few stops at Devils Tower (Wyoming) and the Little Bighorn Battlefield (Montana), we were ready for a good night of rest. We could not wait for tomorrow when we knew we would have a great time at Yellowstone National Park.

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