I enjoy reading comments on other people's blogs but I usually stay out of the discussions. And that is the beauty of the blogosphere. You don't have to read blogs you don't care for and in my humble opinion, why waste precious time trying to convince strangers to agree or share your belief. Discussions are good as long as people remain civil, no nasty or inflammatory comments.
I have come a long way since my first post in August 4, 2006. Qaptain Qwerty helped creat my blog and held my hand when I took my first step into the world of blogs. I used to write as if I was writing term papers, re-checking many times and very careful with citing sources. Later, Da Qaptain encouraged me to add photos to my posts. My husband gave me a Sony Cybershot and I never looked back once I learned how to upload photos. (I must admit when I could not come up with something clever to write, I post photos just to keep my blog fresh.)
I decided to try posting everyday and picked the shortest month of the year, February. I tried to keep up but did not really write or post daily. I used photos to fill in the blank when I did not have anything to rant and rave about. It was a lot of work and like I mentioned before, I really really admire those who post daily. I am going to take a break from writing/posting (rejoice all my adoring fans and faithful followers - haa haa). Just for my efforts, I awarded myself these flowers (they were actually sent to my office for my birthday from my husband) and also these beautiful flowers are from me to my adoring fans and faithful followers while we are waiting for spring to come.
Congratulations, sis! I did notice you started to have more blog posts but did not keep track that you were doing it daily. Nice!
On the other hand, my blog has come to a trickle lately. But then again, the end of almost every month I usually find myself rushing to complete software review for ATPM, so there's my excuse.
Congratgulations! I don’t have the will to acomplish such a feat.. My blog has been wasting away, but then again I use mine as a place to put a thought that would otherwise be lost to time.. Usually if I buy a product that I really like or have something interesting to talk about I try to post. I have learned so much from others blogs I figured I should give back.. Maybe someone will find my cave paintings useful. But with work,family,facebook,email and blog….. mine will be few and far between..lol..
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