Friday, August 09, 2013


Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a warm (tall) welcome to General Sherman of Sequoia National Park.  The good-looking couple in the above photo were ahead of us while we were waiting for our turn to have a picture with the General.  The man was about 6'3" and the woman was almost as tall but they looked like little ants standing next to General Sherman.
The Mustang looked like a toy or model car when parked under these giant trees.  How tall is the General?  Answer - 274.9 feet or QQ would say 83.8 metres!
A walkway leading up to where General Sherman is.  There is a fence around the General, probably to give protection to both the General (from being vandalized) and to visitors in case another small branch fell off.  Below photo shows a "small" branch that fell off in 2006!

1 comment:

Salabencher said...

I would love to visit this. Several years ago I had a redwood seed that I grew for a few years till it eventually declined.. I guess Florida is too dry for such tall trees.


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