Sunday, March 18, 2007


As I was driving to work last Thursday morning, I detected an unpleasant smell in my car. I became a bit nervous as I realized what the ordor was. I drove extra careful and prayed that I would not be involved in an accident or pulled over by the police. How would I explain to the nice officer the overwhelming smell of beer coming from inside my car, specifically at 8:30 a.m.?

My adoring fans know that I don't have a 9-to-5 work schedule. There are activities in the evenings such as membership meetings, Board of Directors meetings, golf tournaments, Christmas Party and of course, the occassional industry meetings for networking purpose with other trade associations. Membership meetings take place the 2nd Wednesdays of the months except during the summer as it is the peak of construction work for our members. Board of Directors meetings are usually on the third Wednesday every other month.

It happened at least once or twice every six months or so, one of the members would walk up to the registration table, picked up a pre-printed nametag from me, put down his beer (of course, it had to be a full bottle) to put the nametag on his jacket. Somehow the person or someone next in line, managed to knock the beer bottle over during this simple process. For a geezer like myself, I still had pretty good reflex to take a step back from the table. But not quick enough to avoid beer all over my shoes and not fast enough to move the other nametags and the table banner (pre-printed logo) out of the way. It happened last Wednesday night, so I am safe for another six months.

We collect the nametags after each meeting to be used at the next function. I normally get home around 10:00 p.m. from the events. All work-related material (the beer stained nametags included) stayed in my car until the next day when I take everything back to the office. "Officer Smith, that was the reason why my car permeated with the smell of beer as if I had been drinking all night!", that would be my response to the nice police officer.

Since working at the Association, I have learned about the importance of what to serve at cocktails and to ask for specific brand name of liquors. Some facilities will provide premium drinks when being asked but would not include many choices when compared to deluxe package. Personally I could count the occassions when I consumed alcohol on one hand. I drank champaign at my wedding, one or twice at family functions and an occassion when I drank the whole bottle of beer after an automobile accident about fifteen years ago. My husband and I were not hurt but the brand new vehicle we were about to purchase had to be removed from the ditch and towed back to the car dealership. This is a story for future entry.

When selecting a location for the Christmas Party, we usually pick a facility with overnight accomdations. We encourage our members and guests not to drive home after the party. I am not against social drinking, only people who became drunken fools in business social settings. My respect for a few members, particularly Board members, has diminished after I witnessed their behaviors because they could not control their intake of alcohol. There are definitely no excuses for drunk driving. All establishments provide car services, even at no cost to prevent the person from driving while intoxicated.

I will keep an airfresher in the car just in case and remember to wipe off the beer stain on my shoes. That way I don't have to explain my innocence against the "could be guilty" evidence.

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