O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
To everyone, may Christmas tree also brings you pleasure and joy!
A blog about our road trips on Route 66, Lincoln Highway, St. Louis, New York, Michigan, etc. (we have been to 37 States, 13 more to visit), about my love of hockey (NHL), football (NFL), coming to America, growing up in Viet Nam, humor that ain't funny and still a lot of ramblings!
That day VL already was not feeling well but that did not stop him from eating a big meal. As he was throwing up, Mom asked VL a sarcastic question, "Do you want to eat some more food?". We all laughed when VL innocently responded, "Yes, but just a little more." VL probably wondered why Mom was laughing so hard at his honest answer. Come to think of it, perhaps at that young age, VL already developed his sense of humor, and became as a clever punster today!
Another similar story about honest answer is about a man who always came around my maternal grandparents' home at dinner time. The man would stay on as we were setting the table. Many times my grandfather would have no choice but to extend invitations to the man to take part in the meals. One time my grandfather said to him, "I am sorry we only have simple selection for dinner, not of the lavish feast you are used to." Thinking this would be a polite way to not inviting the man and hope that he would not stay for dinner. Instead, the man responded, "How about a bottle of good wine? That would make up for the plain dishes."
Whenever my husband and I look at the photos on our wedding day and younger years, we would comfort ourselves by saying, "we are chubby now and we are happier". I remember when I used to tie a bandana around my waist and still making two knots at the end. Back then I used to walk ten blocks to get to a subway station to avoid the crowd when transfering from one train to another. A few Saturdays, I would go to the library at Hunter College on 68th Street, then walked to the Metropolitan Museum of Art on 86th Street. That was almost 30 city blocks. No wonder I was 50 lbs lighter compared to my current out-of-shape, never leave home without my automobile, health status.
Last week I picked up a book from the library on weight loss guide for kids by Dr. Susan S. Bartell. At first I thought I would read the book and pass the information on to my brother VL. The books provided suggestions such as controlling the amount of time your child spend on viewing television, no snacking while watching TV, keeping a watchful eye on food (lunch) served at school, the vending machine and unhealthy snacks. Other suggestions include exercise and physical activities that would be interesting, better yet, making it fun and involving the whole family. Something simple such as assigning a chore (taking out the trash, sweeping the floor) could be good to get the child off the couch or a computer game.
I read thru the book and realized that my brother probably already knew about all the suggestions. We live in a world with ever-present temptations and children as well as adults are constantly losing the weight battles. Everyone knows the ways to break the cycle of unhealthy living patterns by eating good nutrition, exercise and engaging in physical activity. It is not too easy trying to putting these into practice. If I was to have a child, I don't know if I could do better or setting a good example with my husband and I are both overweight.
Last week I went to the Boxing Gym after work, Monday thru Thursday. I still enjoy my kickboxing classes. I am trying to encourage my husband to find an exercise that is fun for him. He has cut down on his intake of soda but still has a long way to go with his weight. We tried hypnosis, we tried an eight-week program of auriculotheraphy (stimulation of the external ears or ear acupuncture), none worked! These treatments were supposed to make the person feel full quicker to lessen the intake of food, thus losing weight. Again, along with the treatment, the person must modify his diet and suppress temptations to consume unhealthy food and to regularly exercise.
I am embarrassed and disapointed to report that none of these treatments helped my husband. I won't even tell how much we paid for these treatments. I just hope that it will not take something serious to happen to get my husband to realize that his health is in danger.