Saturday, December 28, 2013


Let’s continue with the Happy theme for these last few days in 2013 … this is the time when we were supposed to look back (2013 Review) at what happened, to take stock and to look forward to the new year (2014).  What were your accomplishments in 2013?  What are your hopes and dreams for the coming years?  Notice that I did not mention problems – we all have plenty of setbacks.  How we “keep calm and carry on” is more importantly, agree?

There are articles on the topics of saving (money and/or relationship), altering career paths, improving your health, and of course, getting ready for tax time.  One article suggests the following changes: (1) Quit smoking – I never started, so this is easy; (2) Eat right and exercise – I will try, again!!!; (3) Eliminate debt – also is easy since we don’t have any (no kids, no pets and being frugal helps); and finally (4) Start saving more money – I agree with part of this, setting money aside for emergencies or any unforeseen expenses but not for retirement because we might never get there.  We probably will have to continue working even if we lived beyond 100 years old.

The instructor for Employment Law already posted class schedule.  Spring 2014 semester starts on January 13th.  I bought the textbook and finished reading the first two chapters.  The college only offers Employment Law in the Spring but I had to take other required coursework then.  It is fitting that Employment will be my last class for the program.  I have come full circle from when I was thrown off the bridge in June 2011, but did not allowing myself to be drown in anger/bitterness, pushing myself to the shore, at 50+ years old going back to school for a legal certificate and finally finishing the program with Employment Law class (only if I knew then what I know now).  Bad things will always happen and there are evil forces that would try to destroy your spirit, but how you fight back with a strong mind/faith and equipped yourself with the right weapons will determine the outcome of the battle.  I am more than ready ……

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