A new employee started on Monday of this week. Since I handled personnel/payroll, it was crude reminder of my status as senior citizen when I saw that she was born in December 1985. I don’t know whether it was the frequent pains and ache I have experienced lately or the fact that in a few months I will be turning 50, that made me more aware of other people’s age.
This week has been pleasant with sunny days in the high 80s during the day and comfortably cool in the evening. In the morning, when I drove to work, I had to wait for the school busses loading up the kids around the corner. I thought of my nephew and wonder whether he is excited about what he will be learning. I thought of my childhood in Viet Nam when shopping for school supplies meant knowing the right people in the black market. It is very different from the abundance of back-to-school sales in America.
During the day, while my husband worked in the yard finishing up his landscaping project, I reached part of my clutter-reduction goals. The last few months, I kept up with my weekly donations of clothes and stuff to St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store and dropped off at least a bag of books to the library. I am down from five to three bookcases. It feels good to lighten the load of earthly possession.
Have a good week, a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend.
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