Monday, June 24, 2013


What kind of gambler are you?  The last time my husband and I went to a nearby casino was four years ago.  I don't know how to play cards (poker, blackjack or whatever else) and never learned to enjoy the slot machines.  We usually allowed ourselves the maximum amount of $20 when we visited the casino (after the New Year for a change of luck).  Once we lost the $20, we would go home.
Instead of buying lottery tickets, I decided to purchase these scratch tickets.  I don't buy lottery tickets for every drawing.  In fact, I forgot to get them until someone mentioned that it was over $100 million.  Of course, I contributed my $5 to the recent $590M which the winner was the little old lady from Florida.  (I thought it was the Lone Gunman and hoped that he remembered I was nice to him - haa haa).  If you purchased these scratch tickets, do you scratch off the winning numbers first, then your own numbers and if you did not have the winning numbers, you would not care to know the prizes that you DID NOT win?
Or do you scratch off the winning numbers first, then the prizes and slowly scratch off your own numbers to find out if you have the winning numbers, then going from the excitement of possible winning to disappointment (and get depressed) because you DID NOT win (and lost your hard earned money)?
Or do you scratch off your numbers first, then the prizes and slowly scratch off the winning numbers to find out if you have won, again, going from the excitement of possible winning to disappointment (and get depressed) because you DID NOT win (and lost your hard earned money)?
What kind of gambler are you?

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