Above - Stars of Senior Success (William Baur is the artist) -one of the nine lifesize fiberglass lions that were placed throughout the City.
Below - Roaring with Colors by William Curtis. The design was simple but so beautiful when captured on a sunny summer afternoon.
(Below) A Breit Lion, designed by Mary Engelbreit, a well-known graphic artist who designed colorful and cheerful greeting cards, magazines, books, calendars and a product line of accessories. (Hey, Qaptain Qwerty, do you see any puns here?")
Of course, Benjamin insisted on riding on the back of the lion. Just like the story of a monkey accidentally fell from the tree, onto the back of the lion. As the lion running through the jungle, all the animals tried to get out of the way. Upon seeing what happened, the monkey thought the animals were afraid of him and that he, the little weak and bottom of the food chain monkey, has become the King of the Jungle. Thus, the moral story about individuals (i.e. modern czars who were appointed as political paybacks) riding on a powerful person's coat-tail and thought he himself was so mighty!
(Bottom photo) The lions above the monumental Lions Gates was sculpted in 1909 by George Julian Zolnay, atop the pylons designed by architects Eames & Young.
A Bright Line?
Want to give it another try, Qap?
Need a clue? How about "Breit" - what does it rhyme with? And it also is part of a "name".
As in "Mary Engelbreit"?
By George, the Qaptain got it !!!
How about "A Brave Lion"?
I am posting more Lions in this week St. Louis Friday series, just for your viewing, Qap.
Arch in St. Louis
Thank you for choosing my lion as your favorite, I loved working on him, it was a fun project! He now lives inside the U. City Library.
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