This is not a good week for the Red Wings and it does not look like it will get better. For the first time, I don't look forward to NHL post-season match-ups. What happened TOTA, we thought you were hockey fanatic? My ailing beloved Detroit Red Wings, is what happened. It was painful to watch the team struggles, even against lousy team like the Coyotes. It was not the first time that the Wings had a 2-point leads going into the third period, unable to maintain the leads, only to either loss in overtime or shootout. The last five games, the Wings had blown the chance of victory despite of having third-period leads. This time last year the Wings maintained a comfortable top spot, currently they are chasing other teams just to get into the last playoffs spot. It is killing my hockey spirits knowing that the Wings might not even make it into the playoffs this year. Well, I will try not to think about the Wings right now, I will think about it after the Superbowl. On a positive note, I have been pretty good at picking the winning teams for the NFL playoffs the last few weeks. (Another reason why I am depressed - my beloved New England Patriots, defeated by the Baltimore Ravens, could not get into the playoffs either.) I could have pocketed a few dollars if the guys would agree to place their bets. They all said that when it comes to football and hockey, they would have not any chance of winning against me! (The photo below represents what I love, America/American flag/National Anthem and hockey/Detroit Red Wings.)
A blog about our road trips on Route 66, Lincoln Highway, St. Louis, New York, Michigan, etc. (we have been to 37 States, 13 more to visit), about my love of hockey (NHL), football (NFL), coming to America, growing up in Viet Nam, humor that ain't funny and still a lot of ramblings!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
This is not a good week for the Red Wings and it does not look like it will get better. For the first time, I don't look forward to NHL post-season match-ups. What happened TOTA, we thought you were hockey fanatic? My ailing beloved Detroit Red Wings, is what happened. It was painful to watch the team struggles, even against lousy team like the Coyotes. It was not the first time that the Wings had a 2-point leads going into the third period, unable to maintain the leads, only to either loss in overtime or shootout. The last five games, the Wings had blown the chance of victory despite of having third-period leads. This time last year the Wings maintained a comfortable top spot, currently they are chasing other teams just to get into the last playoffs spot. It is killing my hockey spirits knowing that the Wings might not even make it into the playoffs this year. Well, I will try not to think about the Wings right now, I will think about it after the Superbowl. On a positive note, I have been pretty good at picking the winning teams for the NFL playoffs the last few weeks. (Another reason why I am depressed - my beloved New England Patriots, defeated by the Baltimore Ravens, could not get into the playoffs either.) I could have pocketed a few dollars if the guys would agree to place their bets. They all said that when it comes to football and hockey, they would have not any chance of winning against me! (The photo below represents what I love, America/American flag/National Anthem and hockey/Detroit Red Wings.)
Saturday, January 30, 2010

I thought the photo below of the snow on our half-dead apple tree looks like a frozen smile on a face of an old person. What do you think it looks like? This summer, we plan to cut down this tree and plant another one but we have not decided on what kind of tree. Any suggestions?
I plan to go out later to a book sale at the library. I promise I will not make any new purchases without giving away the same quantity from my bookshelves. I probably should stop by the department store to get us new pillows. Perhaps I should spend a few more dollars to get the types that would provide therapeutic support. Any recommendations?
I will be back later with additional reports. This is TOTA, signing off from a freezing cold Saturday morning in St. Louis!

Friday, January 29, 2010
When I saw the above hair salon "The Mane Event" on Main Street in Chandler, Oklahoma, I immediately thought of Qaptain Qwerty and knew that as a punster, the Qaptain would appreciate the humor and clever name the owner has chosen for this business. This post is for you, Qap. They say laughter is the best medicine, so I hope you get a good chuckle from the above photo.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Below - A life-size Statue of Liberty waves at motorists at an intersection in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. We just took the photo and were on our way so I don't have any information about this scuplture and its history.
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday, we went to the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge for Eagle Days. I took the photo below using my new Canon camera with the maxium zoom, 50 yards from the bridge.
We had a great time but I did not want to miss the Cowboys v. Vikings game at 1pm. I was also able to catch the Red Wings/Blackhawks game - it was an exciting game that went into overtime with Datsyuk and Bertuzzi scored two beautiful goals but the Wings lost in the 2nd shootout. I was pleasantly surprised when the NY Jets beat the Chargers 17-14.
The whole week went by so fast and a good, exhausting weekend with so many football/hockey games to watch. I sure hope my adoring fans will forgive me for not blogging often since the NFL playoffs continue this weekend, the Superbowl on Sunday, February 7th and pretty soon the NHL playoffs will begin. Life is good :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Today marks the 30th Anniversary of my family coming to America. It is a family tradition that I will call my Mom, sister and brothers to say "Happy Anniversary". My husband and I are trying to shed a few pounds, so there will be no fancy dinner to celebrate the occassion, instead we went to our favorite restaurant, the Mandarin House on Page Avenue and I-170, for Dim Sum (a southeastern Cantonese dialect, meaning "dot your heart"). Dim sum is collective dishes of beef, shrimp, chicken, pork, in assorted small portion, steamed, fried, broiled, and served as appetizers, snacks and sweet pastries, from approximately 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the weekends. (In NYC or other big cities, dim sum is served everyday.)
I have been thinking about what I would write for this post about our 30th Anniversary. One of the blogs I enjoy reading is from David Michael Bruno,, and he wrote, "these days when a person achieves something like the American Dream (let's just say that's moving solidly into the upper-middle class), his lifestyle changes. He becomes a cigar aficionado and also starts collecting fine wines. He starts driving a sports car or a luxury car, perhaps both. He buys a larger, flatter TV and pays for access to sports cable networks."
Well, I have not become a cigar aficionado or collecting fine wines (I don't consume alcohol) and though I love hockey and football, I would not pay extra for sports cable networks. We drive a sport car (well, the T-bird belongs to my husband) and recently purchase a 48" HD lcd tv with blue ray dvd player. With the current economy and the unknown future, I don't think we would ever move into the upper-middle class but I know we have achieved the American Dream.Here is what I wrote on January 10, 2008, "28 years later, did we achieve the American Dream? Compared to some people, we did. We have achieved the level of comfortable living, earned college education, being homeowners, professional employment, and most of all, watching my nephew growing up in a country with plenty of opportunities to achieve more and become better than previous generations. Compared to others, we are not millionaires, nor owners of international companies, not well-known politicians or leaders, not movie stars or even contestant on American Idols!
We have achieved the American Dream in our own way. There are still other levels we could try to reach. I am thankful for all the people who have provided assistance, extended friendship and helping hands. I know my Dad is smiling and saying, "Good work", as our family celebrate our 28th Anniversary coming to America. To my Dad, the foundation and the guiding light, Happy Anniversary. I sure hope there is plenty of chocolate ice cream in heaven for you to enjoy, Dad."
I left Viet Nam when I was 18.5 years old, so I have actually lived in America longer. I am always proud to be an American and I appreciate all the blessings we have received living in America. Earlier this year, my sister and I planned to visit Viet Nam but it did not work out. It just occurred to me that it would not be so terrible or a disappointment if I never go back to visit my birthplace. I had many wonderful memories growing up but there were also many unpleasant incidents that I would not care to remember.
Yes, I believe we are living the American Dream, by our own definitions of hard work, paying taxes, owning our homes, taking care of our families, being active in our community, performing civic duties, making contributions for the good of society and never take freedom and liberty for granted.
(PS: My anniversary celebration was dampened when my Patriots failed badly to the Baltimore Ravens, final score 33-14 Ravens. On the good side, yesterday the NY Jets advanced beating the Bengals 24-14 and the Cowboys eliminated the Eagles 34-14. What is with all the losing teams only getting 14 points? Next game is the Packers v. Cardinals this evening. Whichever team wins is fine with me as I like both Rodgers and Warner.)
Saturday, January 09, 2010

Friday, January 08, 2010
By the time I ventured out on the road, traffic was very light and most of major streets were clear. I did not encounter any major problems going home in the evening. The strong wind started around 8 and from my home office, I could hear the window rattling and at times as if someone was tapping on the glass.
The drive into work this morning was not too bad, just a few slick spots and I had to time the traffic light when going up the hill. The parking lot was still empty with most of the people in the building just took another day off. Tomorrow, I plan to get up late, stay inside all day to resume my quest of clutter-reduction and setting goals/projects for 2010. Sunday, January 10th, we plan to celebrate my 30th Anniversary coming to America.